The Club actively seeks to foster a generation of talented athletes. The Club was first interested in the culture and ethics of the athletes as it is a supplementing component of human development. This led the Club management to focus on religious and cultural activities.
Religious activity is one of our most important duties to the member to promote them religiously and morally. We organize number of religious programs throughout the year including (Memorization of the Holy Quran – religious lectures - memorization of the Holy Quran competitions – celebrating religious events; Mawlid “Birth of the Prophet”, Isra and Mi'raj and Hajj “Pilgrimage”
On the cultural and scientific level, we are always keen on:
• Participation and organization of medical and educational awareness lectures to promote the members scientifically and culturally.
• Participation and organization of cultural meetings.
• Participation and organization of cultural competitions.
• Organization of cultural trips.
The Club offers many activities including puppet theater, shadow theater, live theater, operetta, art workshops for the making of dolls and masks whereby members are qualified to act and participate in dramatic and entertaining acts in addition to their educational and awareness role.
The Club is always keen to organize many of the artistic sessions and workshops throughout the year to train members on sound artistic grounds, so they can show their abilities and talents. During the cultural march of the Club, we discovered many talents through the several artistic workshops held.
On crafts level, we are keen to teach members handicrafts and market the production in the federal cooperative societies and this will benefit them financially.
Providing cultural awareness lectures for the athletes to promote them culturally and religiously. Developing athletes on the crafts level by teaching them handicrafts, which will benefit them financially. Teaching athletes drama and acting, and involve them in theatrical performances (puppet theater) and (shadow theater).